Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Northern Tanzania Union Conference



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Mr. Gideon Msambwa - Communication Director of Northern Tanzania Union Conference

Our mission

To convey an inspirational story about the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in Northern Tanzania

How we serve

  1. Distribute news and information to conferences, educational institutions, health systems, and constituents through eNewsletter (NewsPoints), Web sites, magazines, social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flickr) and other venues
  2. Conduct public media relations campaigns for ministry initiatives
  3. Develop strategic publicity about the Adventist Church in Northern Tanzania
  4. Build a network of Adventist news professionals willing to volunteer to support the media relations work throughout Northern Tanzania
  5. Develop materials for use by local church communication leaders
  6. Facilitate the Communication Internship Program
  7. Develop Swahili Mobile Apps for use by church members and non-believers
  8. Assist with crisis communication management


  1. Northern Tanzania Union Conference website
  2. Maranatha Magazine
  3. Morning Star Radio
  4. Hope Channel Tanzania
  5. NTUC iOS and Android corporate app


  1. Communication annual convention (GAiN Tanzania)
  2. Communication training across the Northern Tanzania
© 2018 Northern Tanzania Union Conference