Mr. Gideon Msambwa - Communication Director of Northern Tanzania Union Conference
Our mission
To convey an inspirational story about the Seventh-day Adventist® Church in Northern Tanzania
How we serve
- Distribute news and information to conferences, educational institutions, health systems, and constituents through eNewsletter (NewsPoints), Web sites, magazines, social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, and Flickr) and other venues
- Conduct public media relations campaigns for ministry initiatives
- Develop strategic publicity about the Adventist Church in Northern Tanzania
- Build a network of Adventist news professionals willing to volunteer to support the media relations work throughout Northern Tanzania
- Develop materials for use by local church communication leaders
- Facilitate the Communication Internship Program
- Develop Swahili Mobile Apps for use by church members and non-believers
- Assist with crisis communication management
- Northern Tanzania Union Conference website
- Maranatha Magazine
- Morning Star Radio
- Hope Channel Tanzania
- NTUC iOS and Android corporate app
- Communication annual convention (GAiN Tanzania)
- Communication training across the Northern Tanzania